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President's Message

Fellow Mustangs, We are constantly evaluating our members, potential members, and whom constitutes being recognized as a Sea-Services Mustang. We recently received an application from a DCO LCDR who was a prior sea-service enlisted Marine and applied for membership. Your Board of Directors unanimously approved his application. 

Additionally, for those unaware, Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida has five permanently assigned USCG cutters. Each one of these cutters has between one and three mustangs assigned and the Pensacola Chapter leadership has reached out to our NMA BOD for their chapter roles and corresponding National membership. I’m proud to report that the other Directors and I also unanimously approved the first of several (anticipated) applications, that from the Executive Officer of USCGC WALNUT (WLB-205) as a NMA member. Welcome Aboard X.O.!

In response to these non-traditional service applications, we are evaluating the bylaws to incorporate verbiage for “Uniformed Sea-Services” personnel. Other applications will still be both considered and evaluated on a case by case basis.

We’d like to hear your chapter news. For those of us that have private group pages, consider making some of your posts public?

Congratulations to our NMA Secretary John Penick on his promotion to CWO5.

Ship’s Store: is there interest in swag starting back up? We’ve done some preliminary research. Do you have a vendor you’d recommend? Ring in and let us know. 

HooYah Mustangs! Drop us a line anytime @

Best in advance & Very Respectfully Yours,

Evan A. Hipsley, Jr.

Commander U.S. Navy, Retired
President, Navy Mustang Association

New National Vice President - For more info click here.

2023 Scholarship Winner - Benjamin Perry - For more info click here.

New Members as of January 1 – December 31, 2023

CDR Eric Alexander, USN
LTJG Jonathan Andree, USN
LCDR Kristofer Bair, USN (Ret)
ENS Steven Bonello, USN
LT David Burr, USCG
LT Jack Corlis, USN (Ret)
ENS Lucas DeBoer, USN
CWO2 Keith Delgado, USN
LCDR Charles Gatewood, USN
LCDR James Green, USN
LCDR Jay Gulley, USN (Ret)
CWO3 Yvonne Henderson, USN
CWO3 James Herman, USN (Ret)
LT Tom Hughes, USN (Ret)
CWO5 Derek Jefferson, USN
CWO4 Terry King, USN (Ret)
LT Charles Kropp, USN
CAPT Mike Lambert, USN (Ret)
ENS David Levy, USN
ENS Brendan Little, USN
CDR Chris May, USN
LTJG Carlis McCarthy, USN
LT Robert Morton, USN
LCDR Jonathan Neal, USN
CWO3 Gregory Neuman, USN
LT Michael Schaffer, USN
CWO4 Mike Seals, USN
CDR Thomas Shipley, USN (Ret)
ENS Wayne Smith, USN
LCDR Kenny Smith, USN
LCDR Glenn Smith, USN (Ret)
CWO2 Joshua Smith, USN
CWO3 Stephen Stillwell, USN (Ret)
ENS Paul Swopes, USN
CWO4 Karen Thompson, USN
ENS Matthew Trubey, USCG
CWO3 Tiffany Ulrich, USN
CDR Leon Uplinger, USN (Ret)
LTJG Jordan Venegas, USN
ENS Jordan Wells, USN
ENS Matthew Werkley, USN
LCDR Wayne Wright, USN (Ret)
LT Jared Yeary, USN

Updated: January 1, 2024